#stardew comics
theelibugs · 1 year
MORE STARDEW SHIT I have a mod that recolors my horse to Epona colors because YES.
My farmer Elisiah (nicknamed Elise) became friends with Seb earlier than everyone else cause she kept running into him outside of the mines and when she spoke to Robin about the house. She was REALLY busy year 1 so didn't get to meet a lot of people (AKA I was fuckin farming and forgot to talk to people my first playthrough lmfao)
Anyway Seb is a fucking nerd and Elise doesn't play games at all, so I needed a reason she got a horse named Epona.
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ennywey · 1 month
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A softer moment for my favorite crusty neighbor (and an excuse to draw jellies!)
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minteehell · 7 months
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Robin’s winter outfit made me feel things…
Bonus comic :
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monotcchi · 4 months
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slowly getting back to sdv again
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snuffysbox · 4 months
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bit of a milestone for these Stardew comics - this is the tenth one I've drawn <3 and of course it had to be hurt/comfort.
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chimaerakid · 5 months
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happy pride month everyone
(transcript & extra stuff below)
I wanted Elliott's dialogue to be in cursive! sorry if that's hard to read here's the transcript:
E: "Tell me, doctor Harvey. You've been living in the valley for... 2 years now?"
H: "almost 3."
E: "How could someone as handsome as you not have someone to call a lover? Hmm?"
H: "I- er... I suppose... Um... I'm rather shy... And- much older than most bachelorettes. It wouldn't be right (Plus, I'm their doctor...)."
E: "...bachelorettes? And what about the bachelors, doctor? I'm not blind, you know. It may not be obvious to others, but we've been friends for long enough. You're bad at hiding it."
H: "Um... Uhm... Umm... Uumm...." (FUCK FUCK FUCK)
E: "Haha! hahaha! Oh, Harvey."
H: (He's... very pretty like this.)
E: "I'm only teasing, you know. I do wish you were less afraid of opening up."
H: "I, um... I suppose this could be the wine speaking, but... you're right. I've- I've never truly allowed myself to... experiment. Maybe..."
E: "Hm?"
H: "M-Maybe I could, I could, you know, open up... Try to... Try... something new...?"
E: "My. Try something new, you say?"
H: "...Yes..."
E: "I suppose... I wouldn't oppose to that."
E: "...It's late. We should get going anyways. Why not stay over for the night, doctor Harvey?"
H: "Um... Okay!" (WHY DID I SAY IT LIKE THAT.)
Anyhow! I very much believe that Harvey & Elliott have a lot of potential. I think Harvey would very much be a repressed bisexual, & I think Elliott would openly flirt with him (in a playful manner), which would kinda help Harvey loosen/open up a bit :-)
Thank you for reading!
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azuneekun · 6 months
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MY EGG ???????????????????????????
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cucuumiia · 1 year
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When your late wife has never told to you about the friendly shadow monster vibing in the local sewers
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fluffyartbl0g · 9 months
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SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO @wheryheart-rb AND @staryeclipse WHO WERE EPIC ENOUGH TO LEND ME THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF OVERWATCH T O T!!!! Stary wrote Nami's rant (tho I tweaked it a lil owo) and Whery suggested characters that Nami, Luffy, Franky, Zoro and Yamato could play as! (which u can see below,,, thanks guys <3)
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Anyways I was thinking about a modern AU, but ONLY about what video games everyone would play XD Though I've decided jinbei and brook are the type to not understand pc gaming at all,, so,,,,
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Linus’ first encounter with the new farmer
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taneffe · 3 months
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{Stardew Valley: Harvey, farmer}
If Harvey's Clinic closed late at night
→ Read mini sequel
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theelibugs · 1 year
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fkapple · 4 months
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Emily and Shane on winter attire
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nicoleknives · 3 months
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i hate coloring! [wip]
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coolbies · 5 months
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And so she married him again (for the 6th time)
Hello sillies I just wanted to try a new art style for comics hope this is still cute with better more expressive proportions and facess
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snuffysbox · 1 year
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coming to some realizations over breakfast ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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